Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Question

Your favorite football team's coach retired. There is a coach that you really think they should hire, and another coach that you think will screw up everything from recruiting to talking to the press. When it comes time to hire the coach, they hire the one that you absolutely despise.

What is your general response to this?

A) Still attend the games and still cheer your team on?

B) Hope your team loses every game so maybe they'll pick the coach you want next time?

1 comment:

  1. This is dumb.

    Why can't I choose both? I don't need to buy tickets to support my team. I'll watch them from home. I can still cheer the team and hope the owners realize they've hired a screw up. Instead of villainizing the people who don't like the new coach, why not find out why exactly they don't like him and adress those arguments?

    You're smarter than this.
